Australian Future Sensing Conference
Australian Future Sensing Conference
27 to 29 November 2024
Location: La Trobe University, City Campus
Level 2, 360 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
This will be the premier event for the Sensors & Biosensors community in Australia. With an excellent line-up of plenary speakers, high-quality contributed oral talks and poster sessions, this meeting intends to catalyse cross-disciplinary interactions and showcase progress in this rapidly expanding area. The three-day program will feature daily plenary presentations followed by keynote presentations as well as a refereed selection of submitted papers and interactive poster sessions.
Topics relevant to the conference:
Point-of-use sensors
Electrochemical sensors
Optical sensors
Translation and commercialization of biosensors
DNA chips, nucleic acid sensors, and aptamer-based sensors
Enzyme-based biosensors
Multiplexed sensors
Microfluidics and immobilization technology
Smartphone diagnostics, wearable biosensors, and personal mobile health
Nanobiosensors, nanomaterials & nanoanalytical systems
Lateral flow assays
Natural & synthetic recognition elements (including MIPs)
Organism-, and whole cell- and organ-based biosensors
Printed biosensors and microfabrication
Proteomics, single-cell analysis and cancer-cell detection
Signal transduction technology
Novel transducers
Single-molecule detection
Theranostics, implantable and ingestible sensors
CRISPR-based biosensors
Novel Transducers
Implantable and ingestible sensors
Synthetic biology for biosensors
Discovery of new biomarkers
Novel molecular assays
Hosted by:
Connect With Us
If you are involved in the sensing/diagnostics industry or in academia (student through to academic), we want to hear from you! Please drop us a line or connect via social media
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